"Honor of Kings" (王者荣耀) is one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games in China, captivating millions of players with its intricate gameplay and diverse character roster. In this game, understanding the roles and positions of heroes is essential for team strategy and individual performance. This article delves into the various positions in "Honor of Kings," providing their English names and a brief overview of each role's responsibilities and playstyle.

1. Marksman (射手)

The Marksman, or "射手," is typically the primary damage dealer on the team, excelling in ranged combat. They often occupy the bottom lane (bottom lane) alongside a Support. Marksmen are crucial for dealing consistent damage throughout the game and are especially potent in the late game when they have acquired essential items. Famous Marksman heroes include Yao (曜) and Li Bai (李白), who can unleash devastating attacks on enemy champions from a distance.

2. Mage (法师)

The Mage, or "法师," is known for their powerful magical attacks, which can deal massive area damage or single-target damage. Mages usually take the mid lane (mid lane) position and are essential for controlling the game's tempo with their crowd control abilities and burst potential. Their spells can change the tide of battle, making them a critical asset in both team fights and skirmishes. Popular Mage characters include Guan Yu (关羽) and Zhao Yun (赵云), who demonstrate versatility and resilience in combat.

3. Support (辅助)

The Support role, known as "辅助," is vital for protecting and assisting teammates, particularly the Marksman in the bottom lane. Supports typically have abilities that heal, shield, or provide crowd control to help their allies stay alive in battles. They are often responsible for vision control, ensuring that their team has information about enemy movements. Well-known Support heroes include Angela (安琪拉) and Qin Liangyu (秦良玉), who exemplify the importance of teamwork and protection in gameplay.

4. Tank (坦克)

The Tank, or "坦克," is designed to absorb damage for their team while initiating fights and protecting squishier allies like Marksmen and Mages. Tanks usually take the front line during engagements, using their durability to soak up damage from opponents. They play a crucial role in team fights, allowing their damage dealers to output damage safely. Classic Tank heroes include Sun Wukong (孙悟空) and Xuan Wu (玄武), who can engage enemies effectively and create opportunities for their team.

5. Assassin (刺客)

The Assassin, or "刺客," is a high-damage, agile hero who specializes in eliminating key targets quickly. Assassins typically excel in flanking and ambushing enemy squishies, often taking the jungle path to secure kills and objectives. They require a great deal of skill and awareness to master, as they must balance aggression with map awareness. Notable Assassin characters include Feng Yi (风逸) and Yan Liang (阎良), who can turn the tide of battle with a well-timed strike.

6. Fighter (战士)

The Fighter, or "战士," embodies a hybrid playstyle that combines aspects of both Tanks and Assassins. Fighters can deal substantial damage while also being able to take a hit, making them versatile in various situations. They can be played in different positions depending on the team composition, but they typically thrive in the solo lane (top lane). Well-rounded Fighter heroes include Liu Bei (刘备) and Zhao Yun (赵云), who can adapt to the needs of their team while still being a threat to opponents.

《王者荣耀》各角色定位解析:提升游戏技能与团队协作的关键  第1张

7. Jungle (打野)

The Jungle position, known as "打野," is unique in that it doesn't typically occupy a lane. Instead, Jungle players roam between the jungle camps, securing buffs and objectives while providing assistance to lanes through ganking. Effective Junglers are crucial for maintaining control of the game, setting up kills, and applying pressure on enemy lanes. Popular Jungle heroes include Tian Ji (田忌) and Huang Zhong (黄忠), who can navigate the jungle efficiently and make impactful plays throughout the match.


Understanding the various positions in "Honor of Kings" is essential for players aiming to improve their gameplay and collaborate effectively within their teams. Each role contributes uniquely to the overall strategy and dynamics of a match, and mastering the different characters can significantly enhance a player’s performance. By recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of each position, players can make informed decisions during champion selection and strategize accordingly throughout the game. Embrace the diversity of roles available in "Honor of Kings" and enjoy the excitement of this thrilling MOBA experience!